Thursday, June 17, 2010

End of the Year Celebrations

School ends tomorrow for us in Shrewsbury. My kindergarten class was over on Wed! I am looking forward to a relaxing summer. I'm sure it will still be very busy, but our sport schedule is much less which means I can garden and sew and exercise!

The end of year is filled with field days and celebrations for middle and elementary school.

The week began with Sarai having her field day on Monday. She slept over a friend's house so I don't have pictures of her. She was on 8 Blue. I found a few pictures of her on facebook. Technology is amazing.

She's here with her good friend, Michelle.

Here's Carmen dressed for field day. She was on 6 Green this year.
Wed was Rachel's author celebration. Her teacher, Miss Tougher, had them do multiple research papers at the end of the year. Rachel is holding up a desktop she created on Phylis Wheatley.
This is the cover for her other research paper. She researched wild cats and created her own non-fiction book.
After the celebration, the kids went outside to have popsicles and received t-shirts to sign.
The signing begins!

and more

and more

Here is the class.

This is Miss Tougher and Rachel. We have enjoyed the year with her. Rachel came into her class loving to write and has left a writer.

The 8th graders went on a Boston Harbor cruise Wed afternoon as part of their graduation celebration. She's here with Bill and other friends.

Today, Thurs. June 17th, Sarai graduated from 8th grade.

Sarai is in the chorus. The chorus sang during graduation.

This is Bill McKenna, Sarai's boyfriend.

Ms. G and Sarai. Ms. G was Sarai's LA teacher. They had a great connection this year. We will miss you Ms. G!

Sarai plays basketball with all of these girls. It is great to get a picture of them looking beautiful.
Kristen, Sarai, Taylor, Elizabeth, Michelle and Cally.

Congratulations to all my kids for finishing off another year and doing well! I don't have any pictures of Tobin from this week. It was finals at the high school.

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